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グローバルスタッフ雇用支援協会【GSEA】のセミナー&交流会に参加しました!           Participation in the Global Staff Employment Assistance Association [GSEA] seminar and social event! (2024.10.17)


『【初めての外国人雇用】多文化共生について理解しよう 〜外国人社員とのコミュニケーションを円滑にするために〜』

佐藤 華子(さとう はなこ)
シルクロード国際行政書士事務所 行政書士/
株式会社おしんドリーム 代表取締役/アーバン協同組合 代表理事/
昭和女子大学現代ビジネス研究所 研究員






A seminar of the Global Staff Employment Assistance Association [commonly known as GSEA], in which we participate as a board member company, will be held at the Ikebukuro Kumin Centre, and I have attended it as a member of the management team.

The content of the training was,
Let's understand [first-time employment of foreigners] multicultural conviviality - for smooth communication with foreign employees.

◇Instructor Profile
Hanako Sato
Administrative scrivener, Silk Road International Administrative Scrivener Office
Representative Director, Oshin Dream Co.
Research Fellow, Institute of Modern Business, Showa Women's University

When she was at university, a foreign student from Hong Kong and a Myanmarese who was working part-time were arrested for overstaying one after the other and deported.
While at university, she witnessed the shocking fact that a foreign student from Hong Kong and a Myanmar national who worked part-time were caught and deported for overstaying one after the other. This led him to travel to Myanmar many times.
Myanmar and learnt the Myanmarese language.
He then opened an administrative law firm in August 2014 with the aim of becoming a bridge between Japan and Myanmar.
Around the same time, in order to get closer to the realities of Myanmar people living in Japan, she made a Japan-Myanmar co-production film, The Place I'm Going Home.
(which won the Best Film Award and the Best Director Award in the Future of Asia section of the Tokyo International Film Festival) to get a closer look at the realities of Myanmar people living in Japan.
She also supervised the Myanmarese language, publicised the film and assisted the producer.
In January 2019, she founded Oshin Dream Co. to work on a project to establish Myanmar's first women's university.
Founded. She has experience in dealing with foreigners living in Japan from various perspectives in fields other than her work as an administrative lawyer, which she uses in her daily work.
She is also involved in the daily work of the company.
Her mission is to contribute to a society where people can grow together beyond national borders, and to envision a future where diversity is a strength for companies.
The mission is to contribute to a society that grows together across borders and envisions a future in which diversity is a corporate strength.

Themes and contents
Although inbound demand is recovering after the Corona disaster, the impact of the labour shortage in Japan remains serious.
The impact of the labour shortage in Japan remains serious, despite the recovery of inbound demand after the Corona disaster. The labour shortage is a major issue in the transport and logistics industry, which has been the focus of much attention due to the ‘2024 problem’, as well as in inns and hotels, where inbound tourism is booming. In Japan, where the birthrate is declining and the population is ageing, a draft amendment to the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act was passed by the House of Representatives in May 2024, which includes the establishment of a ‘training and employment’ system for foreign workers to replace ‘technical internship’.
The aim of this is to secure human resources and develop human resources, and the momentum to accept foreign human resources is increasing throughout Japanese society.
 On the other hand, the economic development of China, Vietnam and other Asian countries and the accelerating depreciation of the yen have made it less advantageous to work in Japan, and Japan is no longer the country of choice for foreigners to work in.
The reality is that Japan is no longer the country of choice for foreigners to work in. So what can be done to encourage foreigners who have chosen Japan to stay and work in Japan?
 In this seminar, the lecturer, an administrative scrivener who speaks Myanmarese, will explain not only the procedures for accepting foreigners, but also how to communicate with foreign employees and what to pay attention to, based on his many years of experience working in Myanmar. The lecturer, who is an administrative scrivener and speaks Myanmar, will explain how to communicate in Myanmar and what to pay attention to.
The seminar will clear up any concerns or doubts that companies considering hiring foreigners for the first time may have.

Throughout the seminar, I was reminded that the use of foreign personnel to secure the current workforce in Myanmar is a matter of course, but even though we are from different cultures, we are the same people and it is only through mutual understanding that we will be able to make a difference,
They also gained a deeper understanding of the current situation of Myanmar's human resources.

The participants were Fukuda, Shimazu, Tokuda, Hymenez and Huzino from Elements, and Aragaki, Matsuki and Brave from Hot Heart.


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for job applicant


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